
NS-MIRACLE: Multi-InteRfAce Cross-Layer Extension library for the NS2

一个Multi-Interface的扩展,没用过,回头用用看 ; )


NS-MIRACLE is a set of libraries designed to enhance the functionalities provided by the Network Simulator ns2. It provides an efficient and embedded engine for handling cross-layer messages and, at the same time, enables the co-existance of multiple modules within each layer of the protocol stack. For instance, multiple IP, link layers, MACs or physical layers can be specified and used within the same node. The NS-MIRACLE framework facilitates the implementation and the simulation of modern communication systems in ns2; moreover, due to its modularity, the code will be portable, re-usable and extensible. (Download)


For step-by-step installation instructions, you can refer to the nsmiracle-dei80211mr tutorial.


A detailed documentation of ns-miracle is available. Please note that this documentation was written for a preliminary release of ns-miracle, and is therefore somehow outdated.

You can find the documentation here.

In this release, in addition to MIRACLE library, it is included a set of libraries to simulate wireless system networks, in detail:
  • Traffic generators
  • TCP Agents
  • IP modules
  • IEEE802.11 (both the one from standard ns distribution and Multirate [2])
  • MPhy, a general physical layer module in which interference of
  • in-flight packets is evaluated using a Gaussian Model, and an enhanced
  • propagation model is provided (fading with Jakes Simulator, shadowing
  • with Gudmonson model and path loss with Hata model)
  • UMTS:
    • Link layer is derived from eurane extension [3]
    • Physical layer is develpoed exteding Mphy
    • Link and Wireless Channel
    • physical mobility models (standard and Gauss Markov mobility model)
