
"Hyacinth"的Multi-Channel & Multi-Interface 方法 for ns2.29

This document is based on Hyacinth NS2 code and is inspired from the following tutorials:

1. Make "hyacinth" run on Debian NS-2.29.2
2. A new one for hyacinth for NS-2.29
3. Extend NS2 to support multi-channel multi-interface for wireless networks

The purpose of this document is to show how to make "Multi-channel Multi-interface" work in NS-2.29. All the code is from Hyacinth implementation and the above tutorials. Simulation results for validating the extension are also provided.

=============Table of Contents=============

Multi-channel Multi-interface Extension

1. Modifications in tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
2. Modifications in tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl
3. Modifications in mac/arp.cc
4. Modifications in mac/channel.h
5. Modifications in mac/channel.cc
6. Modifications in mac/mac-802_11.cc

Use Multi-channel Multi-interface -- Manual Routing Protocol (proposed in Hyacinth)

7. Modifications in tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
8. Modifications in tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl
9. Modifications in common/packet.h
10. Modifications in apps/udp.h
11. Modifications in apps/udp.cc
12. Modifications in tcp/tcp.h
13. Modifications in tcp/tcp.cc
14. Modifications in tcp/tcp-sink.h
15. Modifications in tcp/tcp-sink.cc
16. Manual routing protocol implmentation and NS2 configuration

Simuilation Results

17. Simulation results for validating the extension


